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Servicii complete proiectare mecanica 3D Industrial Design
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3D CAD Industrial Consulting este o firma care ofera servicii complete de proiectare mecanica si industrilizare, consultanta tehnica pentru fesabilitate. Impreuna cu partenerii nostri putem realiza un proiect de la stadiul de idee pana la etapa de productie. Programele folosite pentru realizarea proiectelor sunt de actualitate, iar cu ajutorul acestora putem sa facem simularile necesare pentru realizarea produselor.
Pentru mai multe detalii si discutii, va asteptam sa ne vizitati pe pagina de facebook: 3D Cad Industrial Consulting sau la numarul de telefon : 0774942343.

3D CAD Industrial Consulting is a company that offers complete services of mechanical design and industrialization, technical consulting for feasibility. Together with our partners we can make a project from the idea stage to the production stage. The programs used for the realization of the projects are current, and with their help we can make the necessary simulations for the realization of the products.
For more details and discussions, we expect you to visit us on the facebook page: 3D Cad Industrial Consulting, or on the phone number: +40774942343
Din Gura in Gura